Labet el Hob (The Game of Love) 2006
Genre : Romance
Essam (Khaled A. Naga) and Laila (Hend Sabry) have known each other for years, and are not really good friends, but they end up good friends and later, best friends. The film follows these two people who have never really liked each other accidentally meet at a train station and end up on the same train. Hardly relishing each other’s company, they try to go their different ways. Eventually they resign themselves to being trapped together on the train, wherein they ruminate on such topics as relationships, love, and Egyptian stereotypes of female respectability.
Director : Mohamed Ali
Writer : Ahmed Naser | Sami Hossam
Stars: Hend Sabry | Khaled Abul Naga | Boshra | Moataz El Tony
Essam (Khaled A. Naga) and Laila (Hend Sabry) have known each other for years, and are not really good friends, but they end up good friends and later, best friends. The film follows these two people who have never really liked each other accidentally meet at a train station and end up on the same train. Hardly relishing each other’s company, they try to go their different ways. Eventually they resign themselves to being trapped together on the train, wherein they ruminate on such topics as relationships, love, and Egyptian stereotypes of female respectability.
Director : Mohamed Ali
Writer : Ahmed Naser | Sami Hossam
Stars: Hend Sabry | Khaled Abul Naga | Boshra | Moataz El Tony
لعبة الحب| 2006
يدور الفيلم حول عصام (خالد أبو النجا) وليلى (هند صبري) يلتقيان ويتعرف أحدهما على الآخر عن طريق الصدفة منذ وقت طويل مضى على متن قطار حيث يتبادوا الحديث عن عدد من الموضوعات مثل الحب والمعتقدات السائدة عن النساء في المجتمع، ولكنهم لم بعجب أحدهما بالآخر ولم يكونوا أبدًا على وفاق ولكنهم بعدما تتلاقى حياتهم عدة مرات بالرغم من ابتعاد كل منهما عن الآخر، يستسلموا لذلك ويجدوا أنفسهم أصدقاء مقربين.
إخراج : محمد علي
تأليف : أحمد ناصر| سامي حسام
بطولة : هند صبري - خالد أبو النجا - بشرى - معتز التوني