Ezay el banat tehbk 2003
(How to make girls fall in love with you)
(How to make girls fall in love with you)
Genre : Romance | Action | Comedy
The film is about a group of young friends who are studying tourism and hotel management in a reputable academy in Hurgada. Ali and Waleed become rivals fighting for Nada to win her heart. Waleed makes use of the love of his girlfriend to him to set a trap for Ali and push Nada away from him. After they win the scholarship in Switzerland, Ali and Nada decide to get married there, but his rival Waleed chases them there to spoil their plans.
Director : Ahmed Atif
Writer : Ahmed El Beih
Stars: Hany Salama | Hend Sabry | Nour | Somaia Al Khashab | Mohamed Ragab | Ahmed Eid
The film is about a group of young friends who are studying tourism and hotel management in a reputable academy in Hurgada. Ali and Waleed become rivals fighting for Nada to win her heart. Waleed makes use of the love of his girlfriend to him to set a trap for Ali and push Nada away from him. After they win the scholarship in Switzerland, Ali and Nada decide to get married there, but his rival Waleed chases them there to spoil their plans.
Director : Ahmed Atif
Writer : Ahmed El Beih
Stars: Hany Salama | Hend Sabry | Nour | Somaia Al Khashab | Mohamed Ragab | Ahmed Eid
إزاي تخلي البنات تحبك | 2003
رومانسي و أكشن و كوميدي
مجموعة من الأصدقاء يدرسون السياحة وإدارة الفنادق في واحدة من أفضل الأكاديميات التعليمية المرموقة في الغردقة. يتنافس علي ووليد على حب ندى، فيحاول وليد استغلال حب صديقته لعمل فخ والإيقاع بعلي والتفريق بينه وبين ندى. وبعد حصولهم على منحة لاستكمال الدراسة بالخارج في سويسرا، يقرر علي وندا الزواج هناك، ولكن يتدخل منافسه وليد ليحطم خططهما.
إخراج : أحمد عاطف
تأليف : أحمد البيه
بطولة : هاني سلامة | هند صبري | نور | سمية الخشاب | محمد رجب | أحمد عيد