Embratoryat Meen | 2014
Genre: Social Comedy
The Family consists of her father (Ezzat Abu Ouf), her mother (SalwaKhattab), her husband (Mohamed Shahin), her brother-in-law (Mohamed Mamdouh) and his wife (RazanGamal). The series tracks Amira (Hend Sabry)and her family who have just come back to Egypt to face the political and social changes taking place in the Egyptian society for the last few years. The Family consists of her father (Ezzat Abu Ouf), her mother (SalwaKhattab), her husband (Mohamed Shahin), her brother-in-law (Mohamed Mamdouh) and his wife (RazanGamal).
Created by: Hend Sabry
Script by: Ghada AbdelAal
Directed by: Mariam Abo Ouf
Cast: Mohamed Shahin|Salwa Khatab| Ezzat Abo Ouf| Badrya Tolba
The Family consists of her father (Ezzat Abu Ouf), her mother (SalwaKhattab), her husband (Mohamed Shahin), her brother-in-law (Mohamed Mamdouh) and his wife (RazanGamal). The series tracks Amira (Hend Sabry)and her family who have just come back to Egypt to face the political and social changes taking place in the Egyptian society for the last few years. The Family consists of her father (Ezzat Abu Ouf), her mother (SalwaKhattab), her husband (Mohamed Shahin), her brother-in-law (Mohamed Mamdouh) and his wife (RazanGamal).
Created by: Hend Sabry
Script by: Ghada AbdelAal
Directed by: Mariam Abo Ouf
Cast: Mohamed Shahin|Salwa Khatab| Ezzat Abo Ouf| Badrya Tolba
إمبراطورية مين؟ 2014
كوميديا اجتماعية
حكي المسلسل مواقف تمر بها أسرة أميرة (هند صبري) التي عادت لتوها إلى مصر، ويكون محور هذه المواقف التغيرات السياسية والاجتماعية التي حدثت في المجتمع المصري طوال السنوات القليلة الماضية، وتتكون أسرة أميرة من الأب (عزت أبو عوف)، الأم (سلوى خطاب)، الزوج (محمد شاهين)، شقيق الزوج (محمد ممدوح)، وزوجته (رزان جمال).
إخراج : مريم أبو عوف
سيناريو وحوار : غادة عبد العال
تأليف : هند صبري
بطولة : محمد شاهين | سلوى خطاب | عزت أبو عوف | بدرية طلبة